Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Massage does for you

Have you ever  wondered why your nose gets stuffy after a deep massage or you feel like you have a cold or even feel drunk like? Well there is a reason for all of this. First off you must remember your body is made up of approximately 70% water, and then of course there are other fluids running through your body. When you have a knot or tension area, there is no flow of fluids there. The fluids in your body are what help keep you alive, work with your digestive system, respiratory system, endocrine system and more. After getting a massage where you were worked on pretty good to get tension out or released. Ahh there is the magic word released! Now the fluids in your body can flow like a steady tidal wave. Traveling where they need to go.Your body becomes drunk with fluids, you nasal passage gets filled from the gush of movement. Don't worry this will go away ;-). Remember your tension area was like a dessert hard and trapped, then water was added and your muscles became like mud, movable and hydrated. This is also why for some people they get headaches because of dehydrated muscle due to being stagnant or constricted with no flow of blood or other fluids.
The main function of a massage is to release constriction and promote fluid flow, primarily with deep tissue massage, myofascial work, trigger point therapy or any modality that works deep within constricted areas.

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